
There is a lot going on within insurers and banks. During our knowledge session, we will go deeper into the current themes together. What is going on, where do you run into problems? And what can you learn from each other? Register by sending an e-mail to Rob Bieshaar at or Auke Jan Hulsker at

CSRD - risk and control framework

During this knowledge session we will discuss the risk and control framework for the CSRD. What are the requirements from the CSRD? How to demonstrate to become in control? How does the interaction take place between 1st, 2nd and 3rd line and external auditor? How do you embed strategic management in the P&C cycle?
During this knowledge session, risk and control and CSRD specialist Karoline Muijs from 2B In Control will talk about her experiences and discuss lessons learned.

For who:
Colleagues working for companies that will have to comply with the CSRD
CSRD - data and reporting

Data will perhaps be the biggest challenge when implementing the CSRD. Availability of data, data quality, data governance setting up and making auditable the data collection process. How do you approach that and what can be learned from peers?


During this knowledge session Jan Nico de Hoop and Auke Jan Hulsker will talk about their experiences, followed by an interactive discussion where we will share lesson's learned and best practices.

For who:
Colleagues working for financial institutions
CSRD - strategy and approach

During this knowledge session we will talk about our experiences with the introduction of the CSRD. What does the CSRD regulation entail? What are the timelines and what are the reports about? What will be the impact of ESG on Finance? How do you approach it? What steps need to be taken?

For who:
Colleagues working for financial institutions
The impact of ESG on Finance and Reporting

After Solvency II and IFRS17, ESG will be the next big thing for Finance and Reporting.

Insurance entities will need to think about their impact to the Environment, Social and Governance and report on their performance in financial statements. 


During this session, Jan Nico de Hoop and Auke Jan Hulsker will talk about their experiences with ESG at insurance companies and their approach to implement ESG within Finance and Reporting.

For who:
Freelancers connected to Sofia Consulting
IFRS17 management information

Now that insurance entities are compliant with IFRS17 focus will shift to management information based on IFRS17 principles.


During this knowledge session IFRS17 specialist Rene Steen will share his thoughts on management information for IFRS17.


It will be an interactive session where attendees will be encouraged to their their ideas and experiences.


For who:
Freelancers connected to the Sofia Consulting network
Impact ESG on Finance and Risk

ESG is becoming an increasingly important topic for finance and risk. Unlike Solvency II and IFRS17, ESG regulations do not prescribe exactly how you should do it. During the knowledge session we will guide you through the background of CSRD and the impact on Finance and Risk. It will be an interactive session where we will share knowledge and lesson's learned. 

For who:
Finance and Risk experts and managers
Impact of ESG on Finance and Risk

ESG is becoming an increasingly important topic for insurers. Unlike Solvency II and IFRS17, ESG regulations do not prescribe exactly how you should do it. During the session we will guide you through the back-ground timelines and impact of the new regulations.

For who:
Freelancers connected to the Sofia Consulting Network
IFRS17 next steps

Insurers are facing many challenges preparing for IFRS17. A lot of work needs to be done still.


IFRS17 experts René Steen and Auke Jan Hulsker will guide you through the current status and share their vision on the next steps and what this means for insurers.


Many of the freelancers in our network are involved in IFRS17 projects. It will therefore be an interactive meeting in which we share tips, tricks and opportunities.

For who:
Freelancers affiliated with Sofia Consulting
Impact of upcoming Solvency II changes

Major changes are coming in the Solvency II regulations, both in Pilar 3 and Pilar 1.


During the session Ron Hersmis will take you through the changes, after which we will have an interactive discussion.


Afterwards there will be drinks to catch up and network.

For who:
Freelancers affiliated with Sofia Consulting
Webinar Solvency II review

Major changes are coming to the Solvency II regulations. Many of these changes take effect as early as the end of 2022. In this webinar, we'll take a closer look at the content of the changes and give a presentation on how you can stay compliant with Solvency II with CCH Tagetik.

For who:
Insurance companies
Implemented the IFRS17 reporting chain

In order to produce IFRS 17 disclosures and management information in the future, there must be a fully functioning supply chain with controls from start to finish. Are we ready yet and where is the most work still to be done?  During this knowledge meeting, we share our practical experiences with the main bottlenecks in the current phase of the implementation of IFRS 17. We also discuss these challenges and exchange practical tips and ideas with each other.

For who:
Clients and colleagues working for insurers
Implemented the IFRS17 reporting chain

In order to produce IFRS 17 disclosures and management information in the future, there must be a fully functioning supply chain with controls from start to finish. Are we ready yet and where is the most work still to be done?  During this knowledge meeting, we share our practical experiences with the main bottlenecks in the current phase of the implementation of IFRS 17. We also discuss these challenges and exchange practical tips and ideas with each other.

For who:
Independent contractors affiliated with Sofia Consulting
The Future of asset management data, analysis and reporting

Asset managers are going through major changes. Complexity of operational systems, data collection, reporting and analysis is immense. There is a high need to move from report driven to data driven. This knowledge session focuses on the the current challenges Asset managers are facing in their current data and accounting landscape and how these can be addressed  

For who:
Independent contractors affiliated with Sofia Consulting