The network model of the future

We have opted for a unique network model in which principals, freelancers and partners complement each other and come together to create successful results. By joining forces, we create a powerful whole, meaning that the total delivers more than the sum of the parts: 1 + 1 + 1 = 5.

Combining knowledge and skill

Look, for example, at streamlining the reporting chain for Solvency II or for IFRS 17. To do that properly, you need knowledge of regulations, actuarial and financial skills as well as knowledge of technology. Within our model we bring together this knowledge and skill and apply them effectively.

Some practical examples:

At over 20 insurance companies, our colleagues with their knowledge of Solvency II plus knowledge of technology made an important contribution to the successful introduction of reporting tools such as Tagetik.

Insurance company or bank?

We do not run large offices or have multiple management layers. Given our network-based approach, we work closely together, share our knowledge and deliver practical solutions. This way we bring a lot of practical experience and many good ideas in-house to work for you, at a fair price.

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Independent contractor?

As a freelancer you may have good ideas about current topics of interest. Together we can turn your knowledge, experience and network into real value. Become an authority in your specialisation, and enjoy working on interesting contracts.

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Partner ?

To make the step from theory to real-life solutions, knowledge of an insurance company or bank is necessary, as well as the regulations. Together we can develop interesting proposals and carry out successful projects.

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Meer weten?

De uitdagingen binnen de rapportageketen en voorbereidingen op IFRS 9, IFRS 17, datakwaliteit en andere onderwerpen gelden voor alle verzekeraars en banken. De ene verzekeraar of bank is alleen wat verder dan de andere. Hier ligt een kans om van elkaar te leren. Om dit vorm te geven komen wij met grote regelmaat samen om verschillende casussen te bespreken. Daarnaast publiceren wij regelmatig artikelen en organiseren kennisbijeenkomsten en Ronde Tafel-bijeenkomsten voor en door verzekeraars en banken.

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